The Poppy War
U.L. Harper U.L. Harper

The Poppy War

What makes something a literary piece versus just a genre piece, is what I thought to myself upon finishing The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. Going into it I had remembered it being a Young Adult title, and as the story progressed, it fit the bill.

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The Great Gatsby
U.L. Harper U.L. Harper

The Great Gatsby

After much complaining and debate about The Great Gatsby, I decided to reread it and update my opinion on it.

As most people know, The Great Gatsby is the tale of lost love in a time after the First World War. The short novel has something to say about status back in those days. East Egg is for the high class, and the West Egg is where the slightly lower class live. Anyway, this is what I was told the story was about.

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Oil and Dust
U.L. Harper U.L. Harper

Oil and Dust

Our main character is a trained artist; he can change the world by drawing it. For you magic system geeks out there, his ability is presented mostly as science. Sure, you can just have a talent for it, but you need to be trained because it’s not simple. In execution, when the ability it presented it feels right. It’s part of the plot, but by far not THE plot.

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Haunting of Hill House
U.L. Harper U.L. Harper

Haunting of Hill House

Some people thumb their nose at the Netflix series because Netflix significantly changed the story. I mean it’s not close. But I would have done the same or something similar. Here’s why:

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